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How to Unlist Your Phone Number

Do you find yourself being bombarded with calls from telemarketers trying to sell one scheme or other? Are you being stalked over the phone? Are you flooded with a lot of calls that you would rather not take? Have you done a reverse phone number lookup and have found out, to your utter dismay, that your name, address, and phone number are all up on the Internet? Or do you just not want to be on the phone directory? There is only one way out for all these predicaments and that is to unlist your phone number from the directory.


Removing your Phone Number from the Directory


Are you still wondering about the procedures to unlist a phone number? Go to the main office of your local telephone service provider and ask for your landline number to be removed from their directory. You will have to submit a request for this. Some providers will do this for free while some providers may charge a small fee for removing the number from the white pages. When you make the request to unlist, make sure that you also ask for your phone number to be removed from the directory information line.

It will take about a year for your number to become unlisted because the phone directory is published only once a year. But if you are in a hurry, then you will have to get an unlisted phone number for an additional fee. This unlisted number will not feature in the Directory Assistance nor will it be published in the next edition of the phone directory. If you have an unlisted phone number, you will have to pay an additional fee per month on your telephone bill.You can also remove your cell phone number from the directory by requesting your service provider.


Unlisting Your Phone Number from the Emergency Alert Systems


There are several ways to remove phone number from the directories. The procedures to follow to remove your phone number from the directories of the various emergency notification systems operated by government agencies or their bona fide partners are roughly the same.

You may visit the respective web site and login using your unique user identification and password. Your phone numbers will usually be stored in the Personal Information page. Find your phone numbers, primary and secondary, and the associated addresses on the page and click the “Unlist” box. When you click the button “Submit,” the word “Unlisted” will show beside your phone number and you can be assured that you have succeeded in removing your phone number from the directory.

There are several ways to unlist your phone number from the phone directory or the white pages. When you unlist your phone number, there are chances that you become hard to locate. On the one hand, this is a definite boon because you are spared from the clutches of persistent telemarketers. But on the other hand, this is a handicap especially in situations of emergency where you cannot be contacted immediately.

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