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How to Use Reverse Lookup Services

If you need to discover who owns a particular phone number that has called you or you have found, you'll want to use reverse lookup services to do so. These services, just like they sound, allow you to search for address and other information by inputting a particular phone number. These searches are based upon registered information that is public, such as the name or business name, physical and mailing address, website and even email contact information.


Reasons to Use Reverse Lookup Services


You may want to use reverse lookup services if you have come across a number which you don't recall where it came from, or you keep receiving calls from a number you don't recognize. If you prefer not to simply call the number back or if it is a long distance number, these reverse lookup options are ideal.

Many reverse lookup sites also allow you to conduct a search for the owner of an address in question. You may receive mail from an unknown address, and these sites will provide you with the individual or business located there. Many of these online resources also show you where it is located on a map if you aren't familiar with the area. In addition, if you know a business's phone number, you can use these sites to find their address if you need to send them correspondence.


Reverse Lookup Options


Using reverse search services is possible 24/7 with the Internet. There are several online sites and directories that offer the option to conduct a reverse lookup. Most of these are free sites, but those that provide cellular or unlisted information will often charge a fee. Searching an international number may also be possible with certain sites. In order to conduct a reverse search, you must know the complete 10-digit phone number.

Other options withing a reverse search site may include altering your own information that is available to the public. If you do not want anyone to be able to view your address, for example, you may delete this information. You may also want to simply request an unlisted number from your provider.

Other information that may be available when conducting a reverse lookup includes email addresses and/or websites. As a business, you probably want as much of this information accessible to the public as possible.

There are also paid services which allow you to conduct a reverse search on 800 numbers, international numbers, email addresses and IP addresses. These may be useful in your fight against spam in your inbox or questionable messages from instant message identities you aren't familiar with.

Reverse lookup services, regardless of the type or whether you utilize free or paid options, are ideal for a variety of reasons if you need to determine who owns a particular phone number. You can also trace who lives at a certain address if you need to, and will quickly discover how valuable these search options can be in your personal and professional life.

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