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Under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Title 5 of the United States Code, section 552, any person has the right to request access to public records: criminal records, arrests & warrants, inmate records, vital records & more.

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Access Information with a Free Phone Directory

Tracing a phone number was never as easy as now. The phone directories available now are a convenient source to conduct a phone number search. These are available both online and offline. There are several authentic Internet based free directory websites which are fed with extremely proficient databases. The directory databases come to be almost free of cost in most cases.

A phone directory, whether online or offline, is required by almost every individual as it assists on a number of fields. These fields can be listed as arts, games, agriculture, business, public safety, health, media, retail, recreation, society, education, travel and others.

Landline Phone Number Search:

A free phone directory is provided by many telephone companies. The information is categorized not only according to the different types of sectors but also according to the state, county and city. Some of these directories are extremely comprehensive and can be reviewed by the public. The information rendered to you after conducting a search are-

* The phone number owner
* The valid physical address
* Email address
* Some other optional details

Before starting a search make sure that the number has not been changed. To combat with such a dead end, the offline directories are available. An offline phone reference is a very important book during emergency cases. Generally the Internet directories come with phone numbers of the business organizations and residential land lines.

Nowadays the reverse phone lookup system is also facilitated for the safety of the people. It often happens that we are repeatedly interrupted by prank callers or unknown calls. To track the identity and location from where the call is been directed, the only source is a free reverse phone directory.

With the increasing frequency of criminal activities like terrorism, abductions, sex offenses, the security of the people is highly at stake now. Therefore you must keep an offline phone directory at hand for a quick follow-up.

You can learn more as well as access specialized online directories from the following link:

You may also get in touch with the Office of Citizen Services and Communications at the following address:

U.S. General Services Administration
1800 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20405

Mobile Phone Number Search:

When you are searching a phone number do try to first find out the medium. Telephone numbers can be of a mobile phone, land phone or even an unregistered number. With the help of a reverse phone check you can know a lot about the person but there is an underlying problem in this system. The telecommunications company and the carriers do not keep a track on these numbers. And the remedy of this difficulty is an online free phone directory.

There are a few more things you need to take care of. Firstly, look out for the spam sites as these lead to nowhere. It is a good idea to find out a legal website. see to it that the information that you are actually in need of is present in the database. Many legitimate phone books are available online. In case of a cell phone number search the information retrieved are as follows-

* Name of the caller
* Valid address
* The issuing location
* The number of household members
* Resources on background check
* Profession and place of work
Free cell phone number directories can ease this task for you.

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