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How to Conduct an AOL People Search

The American Online service as AOL Inc was formerly known is still used as an effective tool for conducting a people search. This service is indeed considered to be the backbone of Internet search as millions and millions of subscribers worldwide still believe that the best form of finding out the whereabouts of a person is by conducting an AOL people search.


AOL Search


Initially, the AOL search feature was open to the subscribers only. It is not so anymore. It has evolved to a full fledged search engine now providing access to all. The search results obtained by an AOL search is now powered by the well known search engine Google which makes the entire process much more effective and reliable.


Process of Conducting a Search


Trying to get in touch may be difficult especially when you do not have much information on the people you need to contact. Bonding with long lost friends or actively hunting for some form of contact or the other can become easy via an AOL search. The search tool of AOL has mimicked the way we think making it easier for us to  retrieve specific information on an individual.

One of the most popular ways of searching through AOL is to simply enter the e-mail ID of the person. There are chances of the specific ID popping up within the contact address of a website or on quite a few of the blog postings and forums that populate the Internet. If you do not have any contact details whatsoever, you do not need to worry too much either. Just enter the name of the person you are keen on contacting and you will definitely get some positive results. It is mandatory to use a negative search once in a while especially when you try to uncover the details of a person having a common name. Adding small bits of information like the name of state or city can ideally limit your search results to the ones that you need specifically.


Search Page Features


The home page of AOL search is bereft of all adornments with the search bar placed right in the middle of the webpage. This is particularly helpful as you can go about your search with single minded dedication without being distracted by different links and images. Another attractive aspect of AOL searches are the tiny bits of information that pop up every time you conduct a search, providing you with information about the very latest techniques of refining your search process.

The green colored ‘save search’ button is yet another tool that adds to the efficacy of the entire process by retaining your last search results for a period of one month. A drop down menu depicting all your search results conducted during the last 30 days show up on hitting the rewind button on the webpage.


AOL People Search


A reverse search by entering the name, city, phone number or any other bits of information that you may have is bound to return a number of results related to the search strings. Several advanced search features have been incorporated within the search process as well making it easier for you to obtain your desired results. This adds to the convenience of making the search with various combinations of phrases if you do not have enough information about your target. Another feature that may help you in your query is the feasibility of retrieving the results in a number of languages apart from English.

The ‘smartbox’ feature is aimed to make the entire procedure easier by suggesting certain simplified ways of rephrasing the search strings. This has proved to be highly effective as it helps people to carry out their search successfully even when not well versed in the nuances of using an Internet search tool. AOL search has also been made simpler with the aid of AOL snapshots which help you to receive an instant answer to the commonest queries that are made on the Internet.


AOL Member Search


Finding out whether a friend or a business associate is a member of the AOL community is much easier. The screen name that you choose when you register for membership is unique and can be used as a personal identifier for any of AOL’s services. It is possible to recover specific information about an AOL user by going through its member directory.

You can simply log in to the people connection site of AOL and access the chat tab. Clicking on the ‘People Finder’ tab of the search area in the next window will lead you to the person concerned once you enter the screen name or the real name of the individual looking for. The AOL membership as well as his/her online status will be displayed instantly.


AIM Search


A search through the AOL’s instant messaging service or AIM can be conducted for retrieving information about AOL members as well. Logging in to the service requires you to enter your own unique screen name and password. The ‘find buddy wizard’ located on the top of the chat window will allow you to find people from its member list by entering search parameters like name, e-mail address or even interests. You just need to select the names that you require and click on ‘import’ in order to add them to your friend list.




The primary objective of the AOL lies in providing the general public with an easy means of obtaining information without having to go from one location to another. The AOL search has a user friendly interface and is equipped to deal with every single eventuality that you might encounter while conducting a people’s search through it. This is one of the primary reasons for the popularity of an AOL search especially among the users just initiated in the use of Internet.

The results that are returned are extremely well organized with the different types of results being clearly demarcated.

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Locate people through their names, phone numbers, addresses, emails, social security numbers and last names. This is the most used public records search and background check website on the internet today.
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